Video 1
Video 2
This video shows a skid-mounted air compressor system weighing close to 20,000 pounds. This customer uses LM series modules to move the assemblies around the production line. In their case they have block dunnage on the floor the frame will deflate onto so the casters can be easily removed when deflated.
This video shows a floating home frame (12 foot x 35 foot) weighing approximately 15,000 pounds in its current state, moving on LM Series Load Modules. It will go upwards to 30,000 when completed at the end of assembly. This system has the LM manifolds for single or dual regulation.
LM series Load ModuleLM series Load Modules are constructed of multi-chambered, lightweight, aluminum extrusion, and they have a top mount manifold with an internal flow control valve that automatically detects air flow velocity to expand and contract to regulate air flow velocity based on module loading.
The automatic flow control manifold allows multiple modules to be utilized on one single regulator air source to simplify air hose distribution with all hoses running parallel to the load keeping air connections tight to the structure. It is used primarily in flexible or free flow assembly applications to simplify air hose distribution connections where offset loading typically does not exceed a 60/40 percent load distribution. This module is ideal for fixed mount units bolted permanently or placed beneath large products at the first stage of a production line to move through an assembly line process. This highly durable Load Module is designed to handle the harsh manufacturing environments. |
LE series Load ModuleThe LE series Load Module has the same design integrity as its LM counterpart except the automatic flow control manifold has been located to the end of the extrusion, flush to the module surface to reduce the overall height profile when insertion clearance is an issue.
It is an excellent replacement to the LM series module with a modest reduction in durability when profile height is a concern. |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the minimum number of Air Casters to move a load?
3 Air Casters is the minimum required, with the casters arranged in a triangular pattern.
How much pushing force is required to move a load on Air Casters?
On a smooth sealed concrete floor, the coefficient of friction is approximately .002 to .003, requiring 2 to 3 pounds of pushing force for each 1000 pounds of load on a flat level floor.
Is there a minimum load allowed on a specific Air Caster size?
Yes, each caster has a minimum load rating between 5- 10% of its maximum capacity. In many cases the regulation is the issue trying to operate at low pressure ranges down to 2 to 3 psi. Often this can be circumvented by ganging several Air Casters on a single regulator to provide higher adjustment ranges for equally loaded casters.
Will my floors work for Air Casters?
This is the single most important question presented by most end users. Air Casters require smooth machine trialed finished concrete with a high-quality sealer to ensure the concrete is not porous. Painted and epoxy coated floors work exceptionally well. Air Casters will protect your floor finish over conventional rollers and wheels.
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